Pembroke Lawyers

McNally Gervan is one of the leading law firms in handling serious injury claims arising from Fire in Ottawa.


McNally Gervan are proud to represent seriously injured victims in and around Pembroke.

Our lawyers have been travelling to Pembroke to visit new and existing clients in their homes or in hospital since the firm was founded in 2012. We will travel to Pembroke to sit down with injured accident victims and their families to discuss how we can help them. If you live in or near Pembroke, don’t hesitate to contact us for a free case evaluation. We will come to you.

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    Appelez-nous pour une consultation gratuite

    Les avocats en préjudice corporel de McNally Gervan LLP comprennent le système et sont là pour aider les victimes de blessures à Ottawa à obtenir le soutien dont elles ont besoin et les indemnités qu’elles méritent.

    Pembroke Personal Injury Lawyers

    If you have a question or need assistance, our team of Almonte personal injury lawyers is here to help. We know every personal injury case is unique and we work hard to ensure that our clients are fairly compensated. We know it’s personal.


    Car Accidents

    $2.2 Million