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So far BlueHat Marketing Inc. has created 150 blog entries.

Claims Against Nursing Homes

In January 2018 the CBC aired a Marketplace investigation concerning nursing homes, Crying Out for Care. The program documented the disturbing reality at some nursing homes today. According to the report, violence, abuse, and neglect are experienced by seniors and disabled people far too frequently. Seniors and disabled people confined to nursing homes or other long-term care facilities have rights, and claims can be advanced by them or by their families to recover damages caused by abuse or neglect. Anyone who has reason to believe a loved one has been the victim of abuse should contact the police without delay. And if [...]

Claims Against Nursing Homes

Proposed Change to Pre-Judgment Interest Rates Would Hurt Innocent Accident Victims

Ontario's provinical government has introduced legislation to reduce the prejudgment interest rate for pain and suffering damages in car acidents from 5% to 1.3%.  This is yet another step that will have the effect of taking money from innocent accident victims and putting it into the pockets of large insurance companies. In our view, if the pre-judgment interest rate is lowered there will be even less incentive for insurers to deal with motor vehicle accident claims promptly.  Instead, they will choose to delay settlement and keep money as long as possible and continue to make money from investments.   Insurers already make use of their resources to make the litigation process slow, expensive and [...]

Proposed Change to Pre-Judgment Interest Rates Would Hurt Innocent Accident Victims

Sail, Not Drift: Boating Safety

The late former U.S. President, Franklin D. Roosevelt, wrote that “To reach a port, we must sail – sail, not tie at anchor – sail, not drift”.  Being purposeful and aware are critical to safe boating as more than 100 people are killed and many more are seriously injured in boating accidents every year.  In this blog, we discuss the law, safety requirements, and safety precautions to make you purposeful, aware, and help you avoid serious and potentially fatal accidents. The Law Boating is governed by the Canada Shipping Act, 2001, which includes regulations related to the competency of operators of pleasure [...]

Sail, Not Drift: Boating Safety

Move Your Soul Safely: Motorcycle Accident Injuries and Safety Recommendations

A famous motorcyclist mantra reads: “Four wheels move the body.  Two wheels move the soul”. To many, motorcycling is as calming as it is exciting, but when motorcycle riders are involved in accidents, the resulting injuries can be more than unnerving – they can be catastrophic.  In this blog, we discuss common motorcycle injuries and safety recommendations so that you can move your soul as safely as possible. Motorcyle Accident Injury: Head The most serious injury arising from a motorcycle accident is one to a rider’s head.  These injuries range in severity from concussions (mild traumatic brain injuries) to major brain [...]

Move Your Soul Safely: Motorcycle Accident Injuries and Safety Recommendations

Keeping a Young Mind: Senior Driver Safety

Henry Ford, the automotive juggernaut founder and captain of industry, said, “Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.  Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young”. When it comes to senior drivers (drivers who are 80 years old and above), ongoing education not only helps foster a young mind, but also a safety-conscious one.  In this blog, we will review the law related to safety for senior drivers, discuss age factors to consider, provide proactive driving fitness recommendations, and suggest driving safety tips. The Law Section 16 of [...]

Keeping a Young Mind: Senior Driver Safety

Look Well To The Spine For The Cause of Disease: Spinal Cord Injuries

The pioneering Greek physician Hippocrates, known as “The Father of Western Medicine”, said “Look well to the spine for the cause of disease". Hippocrates’ insight is as acute today as it was more than two thousand years ago – given the spine’s essential function, injuries can have catastrophic effects.  In this blog, we examine the nature of spinal cord injury and medical negligence. Nature of Spinal Cord Injury: Occurrence, Causes, Injuries, and Symptoms A spinal cord injury typically occurs when a traumatic event causes: Direct damage to spinal cord cells or cuts the nerve pathways which carry messages throughout the spinal [...]

Look Well To The Spine For The Cause of Disease: Spinal Cord Injuries

Carefulness Costs You Nothing: Careless Driving May Cost You Your Life

During the Progressive Era of the 1900’s, a period characterized by widespread social activism and political reform in the United States, public health and safety concerns took the form of awareness campaigns.  One such campaign proclaimed: “Carefulness costs you nothing. Carelessness may cost you your life”. Though these words are from a century vastly different from our own, the message still resonates today; particularly, in the context of driving.  At best, careless driving may cost you a fine or time in prison and, at worst, it may result in serious injury or loss of life. In this blog, we will discuss [...]

Carefulness Costs You Nothing: Careless Driving May Cost You Your Life

See the Safe Path: Truck Accidents and Personal Injury

Noted poet and philosopher, Henry David Thoreau, wrote that it’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. When you look at personal injury accidents involving commercial transport trucks, you may only see catastrophic consequences.  But, we are here to show you common causes of such accidents and provide you with safety recommendations to help you see your way to avoiding potential injury and tragedy. Common Causes of Truck Accidents According to national transportation statistics, more than 80% of fatal commercial transport truck (for ease, we’ll simply call them a “truck” or “trucks”) crashes and more than 50% [...]

See the Safe Path: Truck Accidents and Personal Injury

With You at Every Stop: Bus Accidents and Personal Injury

Oprah Winfrey said that lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.  We are that someone – there for you when a crisis arises and providing you with support to get you where you need to go. In the context of bus accidents and personal injury, such support can take the form of preparation and awareness, so in this blog, we will discuss safety recommendations and personal injury claim guidance. Safety Recommendations Taking the bus is typically considered a safe [...]

With You at Every Stop: Bus Accidents and Personal Injury

Hiring a Lawyer Blog: “Support Any Friend, Oppose Any Foe”

In speaking about adversity, John F. Kennedy vowed that “…we shall bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, and oppose any foe”.  Though at the time these words related to global diplomacy, they nonetheless stand as a mantra for the lawyers of McNally Gervan.  When it comes to your case, we will support you in every way possible and zealously advocate on your behalf.  In this blog, we will discuss what to do when an accident occurs and what to look for when meeting with a lawyer for the first time. What To Do When an Accident Occurs A [...]

Hiring a Lawyer Blog: “Support Any Friend, Oppose Any Foe”


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