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So far BlueHat Marketing Inc. has created 150 blog entries.

What Pain-and-Suffering Compensation Means

Pain-and-suffering compensation is another term for non-pecuniary compensation. In other words, it aims to cover losses for which money alone cannot compensate. The following situations are examples of loss of the enjoyment of life due to pain and suffering: You experience chronic depression after suffering a fall. You cannot engage in physical activity or sports due to your injuries. You suffer facial disfigurement due to a car accident. From time to time, our team at McNally Gervan Personal Injury Lawyers of Ottawa will ask you to provide us with lifestyle impact statements. These statements substantiate your case. You need to inform [...]

What Pain-and-Suffering Compensation Means

What to Consider When Disputing an Insurance Claim

It is not easy to deal with large insurance companies. Often, you walk away with more questions than answers. Complex policies can often leave insured persons wondering about the extent of their coverage and unable to know what they qualify for.  Insurance is a necessary (even if undesirable) aspect of life. With it, you can protect yourself and your family if something happens to you or a loved one. Nevertheless, insurance companies can withhold payouts even to contributors who never miss a payment and pay punctually. Such an experience can be shocking when you need support the most.  Below are the [...]

What to Consider When Disputing an Insurance Claim

Suing for Damages after an Accident

Getting into a car accident is the last thing on a person’s mind when they walk out their door and head to their vehicle. Nevertheless, it happens across Canada approximately 440 times every day. We at McNally Gervan Personal Injury Lawyers of Ottawa understand how painful and terrifying accidents can be when they happen. Even if the accident is a minor one, the price of fixing the vehicle damage and the cost of medical treatment can still be high. The victim may wonder how they will find relief from the pain of their injuries or how they will pay for the [...]

Suing for Damages after an Accident

The Aftermath of Losing a Loved One

Every person matters to many people. Now, our laws finally reflect this long-acknowledged fact. As a family member, you can sue for the death or injuries caused to your loved ones. Although the compensation received often does not match what is justified, that trend has begun to change in recent years. Here at McNally Gervan Personal Injury Lawyers of Ottawa, we have secured compensation over the years for hundreds of people who have lost loved ones to negligence and accidents. Eligibility to Submit a Claim Family members who are parents, children, spouses, siblings and grandchildren of their deceased loved one may [...]

The Aftermath of Losing a Loved One

Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

McNally Gervan Personal Injury Lawyers of Ottawa get our clients the compensation they deserve. We have been representing injured claimants for many years. We have a solid reputation for protecting our clients’ rights and getting them the maximum compensation for their personal injury claims. McNally Gervan personal injury lawyers tactfully approach every claim they handle.  The personal injury lawyer will help you make wise decisions. Hiring a personal injury lawyer will make the process less stressful because they will outline the components of a personal injury claim and will explain all your legal options. The personal injury lawyer will build your [...]

Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

Five Common Liability Claims That Homeowners Encounter

Your home is supposed to be safe for both you and everyone who comes to visit you. You ensure to fix uneven deck planks, trim the trees, rake the leaves, cut the grass and shovel the snow. Whatever you do, you always do your best. However, even with all the attention you pay to your property, there can still be potential dangers on it and in your home that could injure someone. Even something like a slip-and-fall could be costly to you due to the lawsuit. Furthermore, your insurance policy may not cover you fully. Below are five common liability claims [...]

Five Common Liability Claims That Homeowners Encounter

Can I file a lawsuit if I become injured in the workplace?

For most jobs, an employee does not have the right to file a lawsuit if they become injured in the workplace. Instead, they receive benefits through the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB). However, these benefits can be insufficient for paying expenses. Background Under the law, employers must pay WSIB premiums into a fund. If any of their employees become injured in the workplace, the employee will be able to draw from that fund. However, in most cases, the compensation payouts in court exceed those payouts from the fund, and what WSIB pays out for pain and suffering is very limited. [...]

Can I file a lawsuit if I become injured in the workplace?

Fault in a Multi-Vehicle Accident

Many multi-vehicle accidents end in tragedy in the Ottawa area every year. The high number of transport trucks on Ontario highways is a factor, as the drivers and passengers of smaller vehicles in these collisions suffer severe injuries. In Ontario, Regulation 668 (Fault Determination Rules or FDR) of the Insurance Act determines who is at fault in a multi-vehicle collision. Fault determination rules apply in personal injury lawsuits stemming from a multi-vehicle crash. Furthermore, insurance companies use the fault determination rules to determine whether it is necessary to increase your insurance rates. To avoid rear-end, multi-vehicle collisions, drivers must always stay [...]

Fault in a Multi-Vehicle Accident

Accidents and Ride-Sharing Services

All motorists have a responsibility on the road to pay attention, act prudently and maintain control of their vehicles. For those whose driving would be impaired because they have taken a substance or have been drinking, ride-sharing services (such as Uber or Lyft) offer a comfortable, convenient and, most importantly, safe method of arriving at their destination. Nonetheless, accidents with ride-sharing services are still possible. Follow the steps below to prepare yourself in the case of an accident involving a ride-sharing service. If you are involved in a collision or a car accident involving a ride-sharing service, you should: Remain calm. [...]

Accidents and Ride-Sharing Services

Whiplash and Injury Claims

A whiplash injury (or, simply, whiplash) occurs when a person's head snaps violently back and forth, and it usually occurs in rear-end collisions and accidents in which the neck can quickly accelerate and then quickly decelerate, such as physical assault, cycling accidents, falling backwards and contact sports. The whiplash motion severely strains the soft tissues in the neck, including nerves, ligaments and muscles, which can thereby become damaged, torn or stretched due to the vigorous back-and-forth motion. A person with a whiplash injury may be unaware of major whiplash symptoms days or weeks after the accident. Sometimes, the symptoms of whiplash [...]

Whiplash and Injury Claims


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Phone: (613) 238-1424

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