Although cars are safer than they’ve ever been, and bicycle lanes are more and more common, accidents and serious injuries are still frequent occurrences. Each year thousands of drivers, cyclists and pedestrians are injured in motor vehicle accidents in Ontario. Many injured accident victims never fully recover from their injuries and are left to deal with pain, unemployment and medical and rehabilitation expenses. At McNally Gervan we are dedicated to helping accident victims and their families. That’s all we do. Contact us for a free consultation if you or a family member has been involved in a motor vehicle accident. Tell our Ottawa personal injury lawyer what happened.

Motor Vehicle Claims

Every year nearly 50,000 drivers and passengers in Ontario suffer injuries in car accidents. Even though cars keep getting safer, hundreds of people die in car accidents each year in Ontario and thousands more suffer serious injuries that change their lives and the lives of their family members forever.
Car Accidents

The lawyers at McNally Gervan LLP understand the system and are here to help accident victims get the support they need to get back on track and the compensation they deserve. Compensation for serious motorcycle accidents often includes damages for pain and suffering, past and future losses of income,
Motorcycle Accidents

Bicycle accident cases can be complicated and, as with other types of accidents, accident reconstruction and engineering evidence is often needed to show a judge or jury what happened and to explain why it happened.
Bicycle Accidents

We live in a society where we are encouraged to walk, both for health and environmental reasons. And Ottawa is a great place to walk. Unfortunately, walking on downtown or even suburban streets can
Pedestrian Accidents

Accidents involving large transportation trucks and delivery vehicles are common and frequently very serious. The size of the vehicles alone makes accidents involving these vehicles very serious and frequently deadly.
Truck Accidents

The rising popularity of snowmobiles is not hard to understand. They provide access to Ontario’s stunning back country during the winter months and are both fun and (comparatively) inexpensive to operate.
Snowmobile Accidents

Every year nearly 50,000 drivers and passengers in Ontario suffer injuries in car accidents. Even though cars keep getting safer, hundreds of people die in car accidents each year in Ontario and thousands more suffer serious injuries that change their lives and the lives of their family members forever.
ATV and Off-Road Vehicle Accidents

Every year nearly 50,000 drivers and passengers in Ontario suffer injuries in car accidents. Even though cars keep getting safer, hundreds of people die in car accidents each year in Ontario and thousands more suffer serious injuries that change their lives and the lives of their family members forever.
Accident Benefit Claims

Public awareness of the dangers of impaired driving has been rising steadily over the past few decades. And statistics do show that more people are making smart choices to avoid driving while they are impaired (taxis, ride-sharing, designated drivers have all helped).
Distracted or Impaired Driving Accidents

Every year in Ontario car and motorcycle drivers are injured because of poorly designed roads or roads that have not been properly repaired or maintained.
Road Design and Maintenance Claims

If you are injured while travelling on an Ottawa bus you may be entitled to medical and other benefits. If the bus you were travelling on was involved in a collision with another object (such as a vehicle, light post, or barrier wall), you will likely have benefits available to you through the City of Ottawa’s insurance coverage.
OC Transpo and Bus Accidents
Other Types of Claims

The lawyers at McNally Gervan LLP understand the system and are here to help accident victims get the support they need to get back on track and the compensation they deserve. Compensation for serious motorcycle accidents often includes damages for pain and suffering, past and future losses of income,
Slip and Fall or Trip and Fall Accidents

Property owners and occupiers have a responsibility to make sure visitors are reasonably safe when on the premises. Usually, the legal obligation is to take reasonable steps to ensure that the premises are safe. When the people in control of the premises fail to meet that reasonable standard, they may be held legally liable for the damages that result.
Dangerous Premises Claims

Boating accidents are too frequent, and frequently avoidable. Statistics indicate that far too many boating accidents are the result of impaired operation (alcohol or drugs) or a lack of familiarity with basic maritime safety rules and regulations.
Boating Accidents

Diving and swimming are common activities that can result in serious injuries. At McNally Gervan LLP we have represented accident victims and their families in claims arising from swimming and diving accidents across the province.
Diving and Swimming Accidents

Airplanes are one of the safest forms of transportation available. But accidents do happen involving planes, either in the air or on the ground. And while the survivability of airplane accidents keeps improving, these accidents can still result in serious physical or psychological injuries.
Aircraft Accidents

Every year nearly 50,000 drivers and passengers in Ontario suffer injuries in car accidents. Even though cars keep getting safer, hundreds of people die in car accidents each year in Ontario and thousands more suffer serious injuries that change their lives and the lives of their family members forever.
Long Term Disability Insurance Claims

The last thing a grieving family needs is a dispute with a life insurance company. Unfortunately, insurance companies do deny claims under life insurance policies, placing the grieving family in the position of having a legal challenge on their hands when they are trying to deal with all of the many issues that arise on the loss of a loved one.
Life Insurance Disputes

Insurance is not limited to car accident claims. Most families and businesses purchase insurance to provide them with financial assistance and compensation if they suffer a fire loss.
Fire Claims

Where accidents lead to death, the family members who are left to pick up the pieces will often need an experienced lawyer.
Wrongful Death Claims

Claims against professionals, such as financial advisers, lawyers, engineers and architects, have become more common in recent years. This is due to a combination of factors including an increasing reliance on professional advice and the complexity of the work professionals perform.
Professional Negligence Claims

Victims of assaults or abuse should always report those crimes to the police or other authorities. But whether criminal charges have been filed or not, victims of assault or abuse should consult with a lawyer or law firm with experience in handling these cases
Assault and Abuse Claims

Consumer products are all around us. Whether it is the car you are driving, the lawnmower in your garage; or the household appliances you use every day, you rely on the manufacturers of these products to ensure that they are safe to use.
Dangerous Products
Types of Injuries

Neck and spinal cord injuries can be caused by all kinds of accidents, from car or motorcycle accidents to diving accidents or falls. These injuries can range in severity from mild to catastrophic. Where the spinal cord or neck injury is more severe, it can result in chronic pain disability even without a fracture or paralysis.
Spinal Cord Injuries

More than 450 people suffer a serious brain injury in Canada every day. This means that on average, a person suffers a brain injury every three minutes. For people under the age of 40, brain injury is the leading cause of death and permanent disability.
Brain Injuries or Concussions

There is nothing more devastating to a family than the sudden loss of a family member in an accident. Many fatal accidents are truly preventable and should never happen. The hard truth is that even a momentary lapse of judgement or concentration can create the circumstances where someone’s life is placed in danger.
Fatal Injuries

Psychological trauma or injury can be caused by accident, illness or even intentionally (in the case of assault). As a society we have come a long way in understanding the depth and severity of psychological issues and mood disorders, and in treating and preventing them. We still have a long way to go.
Psychological Trauma

Car accidents and falls can easily result in fractures or broken bones. These injuries sometimes heal without complication, but too often they have serious and even permanent consequences for people.
Fractures and Other Injuries

The “soft tissues” in your body include such things as muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves, organs, and the discs in your spine. An injury to these tissues may not be as easy to identify as a broken bone, but the consequences can be every bit as serious, if not worse.
Soft Tissue Injuries and Chronic Pain
Contact Our Ottawa Personal Injury Lawyer for More Information

The personal injury lawyers at McNally Gervan LLP understand the system and are here to help car accident victims in Ottawa get the support they need and the benefits they deserve.
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