Protect Your Rights
Our personal injury lawyers will be your shield against the tactics used by insurance companies to minimize your claims. We will take over all communication with the insurance company to ensure your rights are protected. We will also work on preserving and documenting important evidence to establish your claims.
Maximize Your Available Claims
Our experienced lawyers will review all the facts of your claim to determine what available benefits you can access with your insurance company. We will develop a strategy with you and use the necessary resources to ensure that you are able to access the maximize available benefits under the policy in the circumstances.
Medical Treatment
We will help facilitate referrals with medical treatment providers to allow you to obtain the necessary treatment to help diagnose and treat your injuries. This will help determine the nature and extent of your injuries which will help us place an appropriate valuation of your claim.
Many cases are settled without litigation. After we are retained, we will send a notice letter to the parties that caused the accident and their insurer. Once all the relevant documentation such as medical records, employment records, income records, witness statements has been obtained, we consider is considered whether to proceed with a demand letter with requested compensation to the insurer to start negotiation process. The insurance company will review these documents and respond with acceptance, counteroffer or rejection. Our office will communicate with you throughout the process and ultimately you have the final say in the decision.
Filing A Lawsuit
We will file a lawsuit on your behalf in court in Ontario. This process will force the insurer to respond to the claim and will typically increase the settlement results ultimately on the claim. Our law firm handles all aspects of your matter including incurring the necessary costs to obtain various medical and other reports to build up the claim. These disbursements will be reimbursed from the settlement.
This is a critical step in the lawsuit where you will have an opportunity to tell your story under oath. Our lawyers will also have the opportunity to examine the at-fault party to gather critical information that we will leverage in the litigation. The examination for discovery also enables each party to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of their case. So, our lawyers ensure that you are well-prepared for this examination. We will review the key aspects of the case with you. We will also gather necessary evidence and retain experts to support your cases.
Mediation is a process where our lawyers and the Defendant insurer hired a thirty-party neutral mediator who is responsible to try to help us come to a resolution. This process can be a very useful means of resolving claims without the need for further litigation if the mediator is able to assist the parties in understanding the value of the claims.
Pre-Trial Conference
Although trials are rare, our lawyers will prepare your cases if it proceeds to that stage. A pre-trial conference is the last stage prior to a trial. A judge will be assigned to your case and will review a brief prepared in advance by our lawyers and the Defendants lawyers. The judge’s role is to try to help the parties reach a resolution or narrow the issues in dispute. If a settlement is not reached, there will be discussion about trial management procedures.
This is the final step in the process where our experienced trial lawyers will present your case to a jury of your peers or a judge. We will present your story and all the evidence in your case for the jury or judge to make a final decision on your case including the amount of compensation.

Legal assistance with Lawyers in Ottawa
If you have a question or need assistance, our team of personal injury lawyers is here to help. We know every personal injury case is unique and we work hard to make sure our clients are fairly compensated.
If you are unable to travel to our downtown Ottawa office, one of our lawyers or paralegals can come to meet you at your home or some other convenient location. During the free consultation, we will get to know you and to understand the nature of your injuries, as well as the impact the accident is having on you and your family. Contact us for a free consultation with a lawyer with complete knowledge about car accident claims. We know it’s personal.
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