What to Do In Case of a Car Accident
Car accidents can happen in a split second and yet have terrible physical and financial consequences that last a lifetime. Below are ten actions you should take if you are involved in a car accident.
- Call 911. The sooner you alert the authorities, the sooner they can arrive on the scene and address the situation.
- Get the other driver’s information before leaving the scene. Specifically, ask for their licence plate number and insurance details. Equipping yourself with this information will enable you to be less dependent on other sources (i.e., your insurance company and the police) to navigate the legal process.
- Remain at the scene of the accident. If you neglect to remain at the scene of the accident, you risk obstructing the investigation and face arrest by the authorities for committing a criminal offence.
- Provide the police with all the information you have as accurately as possible: what happened before and during the collision. Doing so will make it possible for legal counsel to determine liability for a collision.
- Provide all information you have to paramedics as well. For example, describe your pain, quantify its intensity (on a 1–10 scale) and say where you feel the pain in your body. Do not decline to take an ambulance to the hospital if the paramedics are recommending that you see a doctor. If you are in shock you may be several hours before you start to feel symptoms and the extent of your injuries.
- Avoid moving your vehicle unless the responding authorities ask you to as a matter of safety. Any unauthorized repositioning of your vehicle risks precludes investigators from making these critical determinations, such as how exactly the collision occurred and who is ultimately at fault for the collision.
- Do not post photos of your accident and injuries on social media channels. Save your photos and information for your lawyer to review.
- Take the time to search for the right lawyer, preferably one with experience in personal injury law and a sterling reputation.
- Talk to your lawyer before contacting your insurance company. Avoid signing anything and giving a recorded statement before receiving advice from a seasoned legal professional.
- Respect limitations. For car accidents, the date of loss corresponds to the date of the accident. Furthermore, under the Limitations Act, 2002, SO 2002, the limitation for most actions is two years, so you will have only those two years to initiate a lawsuit to obtain compensation for your injuries.
- Remain committed to seeing your case reach its appropriate conclusion. Although the prospect of carrying on may seem daunting, doing so is the only way to secure the compensation that is rightfully yours.
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